Celebrating Oly

Update : Oly has passed away on Wed. March 11th. We extend our deepest condolences to his family.

If you have come to one of TINFA’s event, and especially if you came to the 2019 Dinner, you remember Oly Wise.

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With heavy hearts, but full of gratitude, TINFA bids farewell to one of our most enthusiastic supporters, Oly Wise. For the past six years, Oly has been a prominent supporter of TINFA, sometimes behind the scene : a primary force behind two Global Grants from Rotary International…. and Sometimes very much in the forefront : anybody who has come to the last two TINFA dinner know what we mean… getting us to reach goals we did not know we could reach.

Oly has received a terminal diagnosis with little time remaining. At his recent celebration of life gathering, we were able to thank him in person for his very considerable support. We will miss his enthusiasm, his energy, and his sizzling. We will also treasure his friendship, his caring,  and his lasting contributions. 

Oly, your impact to TINFA, the teachers and students we partner with in Guatemala is huge. We are so grateful.

Using your own words, know that you are truly loved and appreciated.