You are invited : partnership with schools kickoff

This is an exciting time! January is the start of a new school year in Guatemala. It is also the time for new partnerships, partnerships that are made possible thanks to your generous support!

We are kicking off 4 new partnerships with 4 new schools this year, and we would like to invite you to be part of it.

What : Skype exchange with the community of our new partner schools : the director, the teachers and the students.

When : 8:15am to 9am

Wed. 22nd with Escuela Candelaria at Victrola Cofffee Shop (411 15th Ave. E, Seattle 98112) in Seattle.

Thurs. 23rd with Escuela La Felicidad at Microsoft Bravern 2 Building (11155 NE 8th St, Bellevue 98004, WA.) in Bellevue. (send me a note for info on parking and check-in for this date).

Friday 24th with Escuela San Antonio Buena Vista at Victrola Cofffee Shop (411 15th Ave. E, Seattle 98112) in Seattle


Monday 27th with Escuela San Pedrito at Victrola Cofffee Shop (411 15th Ave. E, Seattle 98112) in Seattle.

RSVP is appreciated but not required.

The board and I look forward to sharing this event with you.