The GiveBIG 2018 results are out of the park! 

Yes, you absolutely made it happen! Thanks to your generous support and the support from our amazing TINFA community, we surpassed our GiveBIG goal and raised a total of  $16,135, or 107% of our super ambitious goal!

And guess what! It seems that one donor got TINFA lucky, as a Dollar for Change recipient. We saw it on the list of beneficiary organization!!! We don't yet have a confirmation from Seattle Foundation. Keeping our fingers crossed for that additional $2,500 amazing benefit!  


With the money you helped raised during GiveBIG yesterday, you are enabling one school, not only to join the program for one year, but to join the program for the entire two years of the program and you give us a head start to invite another school too!!! What a gift!


On behalf of all the educators and students from our partnering schools in Guatemala,