Announcing a generous grant from the Rotary International

We are very pleased to announce that through a grant from the Rotary International, TINFA and the Rotary are able to partner with three new schools in the Retalhuleu region of Guatemala for the next two years.

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This grant of$53,000, spear headed by the University Sunrise Rotary, with the generous support of the Mill Creek Rotary, the University District Rotary, the UW Rotaract (Seattle) and the Club Rotario Guatemala del Este, is enabling the partnership with 3 new rural elementary schools: Escuela Recuerdo de Perez, Escuela San Jose and Escuela Sector Aguilar.

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The schools completed all their prerequisites and received last week, their equipment (two laptops, 2 projectors, an internet connection). The teachers of 4th, 5th and 6th grade are having their first technical training and curriculum building activities this month.

Thank you Rotary, for empowering teachers and enabling kids in rural Guatemala to get a better education.