My Experience as an Intern

Hello! My name is Itzel Nieto and I’m currently a student at the University of Washington studying Business Administration with a focus in Accounting. I started interning/volunteering for TINFA in June 2020. I first heard about TINFA through a job post on Handshake- a job posting platform. TINFA stood out to me from other postings because it is a nonprofit. As unbelievable as it sounds as a business student I never got the opportunity to learn about the nonprofit sector. I was curious to learn more about the nonprofit sector and specifically marketing, as I was debating whether to add a focus in marketing or accounting in my major. TINFA provided a great opportunity for exploration.

My experience at TINFA has been nothing but amazing. I was originally supposed to intern for about 3 months, but I decided to stay longer because of the unique environment. TINFA’s board members and director have all been so kind and welcoming, they are great people. Through TINFA I had the opportunity to not only meet new people and network, but I also also had the opportunity to learn new technical and soft skills: Canva, Square Space, Little Green Light, MailChimp, Vimeo, and many more other softwares/apps.

 I truly enjoyed my internship with TINFA. The feeling of helping others and knowing that your efforts are changing lives is so rewarding. In general I would recommend the nonprofit sector to any student seeking opportunities. It is a humbling experience. It makes you become more open minded and appreciative. What makes TINFA different from other organizations is the patience and encouragement it provides to learn new things. I appreciate the learning opportunities that TINFA has provided me and I look forward to staying connected!