Our First blog after exchange with Guatemala classroom

20 of our 25 students with our playground and community gardens in the background

20 of our 25 students with our playground and community gardens in the background

We had our first Skype exchange with our buddy class in Guatemala. The experience was a lot of fun, because we could interact with kids who are similar to us but very far away. It was fun to hear them speak a different language as well.

Front of our school

Front of our school

In many ways, we were very similar. We could tell that the kids are funny like our class.  Our classrooms both work on reading, writing, and math and have similar class rules.  When they shared that they don’t ever fight, they laughed. We are still skeptical about that.  Both schools have kids who like to play soccer and basketball.  They also have similar pets like chickens, dogs and cats. The kids there are just regular kids who like to have fun.

Class norms that the class helps create (orange are the 3 rules we live by and yellow are some of examples that they came up with)

Class norms that the class helps create (orange are the 3 rules we live by and yellow are some of examples that they came up with)


We were surprised by a few things.  They have cows at home and their school is structured differently from ours.  We are both elementary schools, but we start school at 9:20am and end at 3:50pm while they start at 7:30am and end at 12:00pm.  We learned from Ms. Emma that this is because they share a building with another school that starts after they leave at 12:00pm.  We were also surprised that they had preschool students in the same building.  

We are very excited for our next exchange and to learn more about our buddy classroom in Guatemala.  

Written by H, Josie, Drake, and Samantha using ideas from our whole class